Why we brand – video clip from May 27 Brand Strategy BOOTCAMP

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Dennis discusses the human roots of Branding: the need to make sense of our surroundings by naming, organizing and telling stories about the things we encounter.

This is a theme I come back to over and over in all my work: the need to understand branding in the context of human values and human needs.

It’s never been exactly about the “psychology” of branding for me, because that always makes it feel a bit manipulative – like a form of mesmerism.

To me a smart brand manager is more concerned with anthropology. We study patterns of behaviour to place our products where they will be appreciated most readily. And maybe, if you want  a really fancy word for it, epistimology: the study of how people create ideas and meaning.

Shameless plug

IABC Summit Pass winner and nice words from a client

Busy time here at Beg to Differ headquarters, treat with a few things to cover today: including the winner of the one-day pass to the 2012 IABC Canada Business Communicator’s Summit.

Photo by Antony Williams (antoneath on Flickr) – used with permission. Thanks Antony!

Winner of pass to



For any brand geeks (or serious professionals) in the Ottawa area, check
Brandvelope is partnering with the Ottawa Centre for Research and Innovation (OCRI) to deliver this event in May.