Hockey “sweater” or “jersey”? Here’s your answer

Last week, approved the Ottawa Senators kicked off a minor media sweat-storm when they unveiled what they called their new “heritage jersey” – which obviously had the retro styling of a classic hockey sweater. Then, even the office of  Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada (who still hasn’t written that hockey book) weighed in with a terse “PM says jersey”.

We Beg to Differ.

There. That was easy, wasn’t it?

Let’s be honest, this piece of modern hockey gear is really not summed up by either how we commonly use the word “sweater” OR the word “jersey”.  But here’s why we think Canadians should be pretty stubborn about sticking to their knitting on this one.

  • The term “sweater” was invented to describe an athletic garment that you sweat in. Ever smell a hockey bag? That ain’t “jers” you’re smelling.
  • “Sweater” implies something that keeps you warm in winter – and hockey in its purest form is still played outdoors.
  • “Jersey” is what generic – mostly American – sports marketers want you to call it. Let basketball, football, and baseball have their “jerseys”.
  • Seriously, you’re going to take this guy‘s word for it ?
  • Or are you going to take this guy‘s word for it?

Author of “The Hockey Sweater” Roch Carrier “Jersey, I understood, was some stuff to do dresses for ladies. That was the ladies business. Mine was to rush to the skating rink in my hockey sweater . ”


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