“The card fer yer Doh!” Italian bank chooses unlikely spokesperson.

On the topic of choosing spokespersons for your brand wisely, pill here’s a photo of a poster in the window of a bank in Italy – sent today by our own Lauren Hughes. It made me laugh hard.

Spotted in a bank window in Italy by intrepid Beg to Differ reporter Lauren Hughes
Spotted in a bank window in Italy by intrepid Beg to Differ reporter Lauren Hughes

Apparently Homer isn’t alone: all the Simpsons get their own card.

Of course, in North America, Homer has shilled for Mastercard as well – as in the You Tube video of a 2004 Super Bowl commercial below (with one of the weaker voice-overs ever in a Super Bowl ad). But to me, there’s a difference between the ad, in which Homer is able to be his bumbling, irresponsible self and still get the point across, and having his portly face on my credit card.

I’m trying to imagine pulling MC Homer out at the desk of a five-star hotel. “Uh gosh sir, do you have anything else?” Doh!

Aquisto: 2 Euros; 
Mini rate: 25 Euros;
Homer’s brand equity on your credit rating: Priceless

Any wonder Flanders uses the other card?

Homer Simpson shows his credentials as a reponsible credit consumer.
Homer Simpson shows his credentials as a reponsible credit consumer.

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